What is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects people who already have psoriasis. This is a long-term condition that usually gets worse over time if it is not treated. A telltale sign of this condition is a collection of red skin patches that feature silvery scales. Psoriasis is usually the condition diagnosed first, followedContinuar lendo “What is Psoriatic Arthritis?”

How Fatigue Is Related to Joint Pain and Arthritis?

Fatigue is a symptom that is often misunderstood. Fatigue is when you feel tired, both mentally and physically. You simply feel as if you have been drained of all your energy. Even everyday tasks become challenging or impossible. Fatigue and arthritis are two things that often go hand-in-hand. If you have arthritis, you have probablyContinuar lendo “How Fatigue Is Related to Joint Pain and Arthritis?”

Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is a hobby that is beloved by people both young and old, from all walks of life, all around the world. It provides mental, emotional, and physical benefits to ensure your holistic wellness is at its highest. As we get older, joints start hurting more, and changes in the weather bother us more thanContinuar lendo “Health Benefits of Gardening”

14 Anti-Inflammatory Dinner Recipes to Try ASAP

An anti-inflammatory diet is not only something that will help you reduce inflammation in your body, but will also be delicious. If you have arthritis, you know how much your joints can hurt daily. Thankfully, you don’t have to continue suffering. The secret lies in changing your diet. When you fill your plate with vegetables,Continuar lendo “14 Anti-Inflammatory Dinner Recipes to Try ASAP”

Is the Summer Heat Affecting Your Arthritis?

Most people know that changes in the weather, especially when it gets cold or rains, affect arthritis and joint pain. However, few realize there is a connection between summer and arthritis. That’s right when it is warm and humid, joint pain can be even worse. We will explore the relationship between summer and arthritis aContinuar lendo “Is the Summer Heat Affecting Your Arthritis?”

Looking After Your Mental Health While Having Joint Pain

Around one in four adults in the US have a diagnosable mental health disorder. Most people deal with more than one mental health issue simultaneously, making it even more challenging to cope with. Having poor mental health and arthritis is a challenging combination to deal with for anyone. However, there are steps you can takeContinuar lendo “Looking After Your Mental Health While Having Joint Pain”

Working at Home with Arthritis

With lockdown measures still prevalent across the country, many are working from home. If you are working at home with arthritis, you will want to make sure you are doing what you can to reduce the aches and pains you get due to flareups. Your workspace at home should be designed in a way thatContinuar lendo “Working at Home with Arthritis”

Is It Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis?

When you feel aches and pains in places like your lower back or knees, you may wonder whether it’s due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The fact is that both of these types of arthritis will lead to significant joint deterioration and cause them to function inadequately. However, there are a number of differences betweenContinuar lendo “Is It Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid Arthritis?”

10 Foods to Avoid with Arthritis

When you have arthritis, you are going to have to change a few lifestyle habits. One of the big ones involves food. Unfortunately, you will no longer be able to just eat anything. There are certain foods that can wreak havoc on your body and give you sharp pain in your joints. The major issueContinuar lendo “10 Foods to Avoid with Arthritis”

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